Expanding the Consciousness of Health
Harmonic Health is a gathering of diverse practitioners who answered a call of initiation and transformation. This website is the birthing of a dream that has been traveling with many of us. The dream materializing through this collective is a global health platform; diverse in its offerings and beliefs and coherent in expressing through the lens, language, and practices of Health and well-being. This is both a personal and collective experience of Health. We are here to explore together and support each other. We are also here to share the modalities, information, practices, experiences, and tools that have supported us on our journeys of healing, cohering, and living in a good way.
Collective Members
Our Culture Offerings
Out of the Head, into the Body with Victoire
Weekly online Vocal sessions with Monique

Sound Journey with Lee in Grand Forks

Authentic Relating Series with Christine F.

Tapestry of the Senses – A 6-week series dedicated to Sensuous Awareness through Authentic Relating. Starts September 21st. Click here for registration and more information.

Yoga and Sound series with Lee R. in October

All levels Yoga with Sound Journey
Sundays in October, 10:15 to 12pm, Gray Creek Hall, $35 drop in
email jaienglish@icloud.com for more information or to register for more than 1 class.
Gong Bath with Kim D. in Invermere

A Definition of Health
Vibrant health is our natural state. At its best, our health serves to bridge and integrate our energetic/soul self with our physical/human body so we can live our highest expression. So how do we lose or struggle to achieve good health? Well, through many stages of evolution we have experienced a disconnection from the deeper aspects of ourselves which are connected to All, and have explored the human experience of perceived separation. In other words, we have forgotten our true selves. In Old English to heal means “to make whole”. Healing is a journey that discovers and reclaims the parts of ourselves that were silenced, hidden, or lost in order for us to survive our circumstances. As we integrate our fragmented parts, our capacities come online and we harness our creative soul-inspired gifts that adds to the harmonic flow that moves through and unites all Life into a coherent symphony.
Karen Kelly
Seeds sowed in our Garden
Lea R. on Dr. Sue
I find Dr. Sue Morter’s body awake yoga to be really healthy for me. It is deeply focussed on integration and on living and moving from the inside out. Working with it over the last years has allowed me a deepened state of presence and peace in my being and increased flexibility both in my body and in my life.
Lee on Pam Gregory and Anne Tucker
I have been listening to both these women for several years and have found lots of Health in how they both express themselves with the information they share. I have wondered how to correlate what they speak of and now I have had the pleasure of listening to them speak with each other.
Lee’s Joy at listening to Nassim Haramein in this conversation.
I have been delighted in listening to Nassim speak before, and sometimes have had to stretch my mental paradigm to be able to land or ‘make relative’ his insights and discoveries into my current daily life. This interview is extra healthy for me as the correlations from spiritual traditions that Aubrey looks to pull in really helped me further actualize the principles of fundamental physics and the mechanics of the universe that Nassim desires us to correctly understand.